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9673 and 9674 Series

Hager 9673 and 9674 Series


By-Pass Sets: - 9673-48 = For two 24'' (610 mm) doors
- 9673-60 = For two 30" (762 mm) doors
- 9673-72 = For two 36" (914 mm) doors
- 9673-96 = For two 48" (1219 mm) doors

Aluminum Track with Built-in Grooved Fascia: - 9603-48 = 48'' (1194 mm)
- 9603-60 = 60'' (1499 mm)
- 9603-72 = 72'' (1803 mm)
- 9603-96 = 96'' (2413 mm)
- 9603-120 = 120'' (3048 mm)
- 9603-144 = 144'' (3658 mm)

Parts Bags: - 9679 = 125 lb (57 kg); 4 each 9605 Hanger & 9610 Top Mount Plate, 1 each 9909 Guide


Description File Number
9673 Installation Instructions 8493-H
Categories: Sliding Door Hardware