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3/8-16 Front-End Prewinder - Helical Threaded Insert Air Installation Power Tool


The 3/8-16 Front-End Prewinder - Helical Threaded Insert Air Installation Powertool installs 3/8-16 TPI WireSert Helical Inserts. Designed for use with the Pneumatic Helical Threaded Insert Air Installation Power Tool.

3/8-16 Front-End Prewinder - Helical Threaded Insert Air Installation Power Tool

Provided by Industrial Hardware and Specalties is the 3/8-16 Front-End Prewinder - Helical Threaded Insert Air Installation Power Tool. The Front-end Prewinder makes up one half of the Front-end Assembly, in combination with a Front-end Mandrel.The Prewinder is designed to install 3/8-16 WireSert Helical Inserts as part of the Pneumatic Helical Threaded Insert Air Installation Power Tool. Pneumatic powered installation tooling uses standard air supply to install fasteners at a much higher rate than a manual installation tool or Prewinder tool. This tool is ideal for installation of medium to large quantities of inserts. Order Today From Industrial Hardware and Specialties.

The Prewinder is one piece of the Industrial Hardware and Specialties Front-end Assembly

The front-end assembly consists of these two tools, the front-end madndrel, and the front-end prewinder. If replacement pieces are needed these parts can be purchased separately.

Front End Mandrel

Front End Prewinder

Front End Assembly

More Information
Inside Thread 3/8-16
Pneumatic Mandrel 35L7H6-037C
Pneumatic Assembly 35L7H5-037C
Chrislynn Part Number FEP 3/8-16